Wednesday, October 11, 2017

It was cloudy with rain sprinkles all day.  I stopped at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center which told the story of the formation of the group, their travels and troubles and their return.  There were many quotes from the diaries so you could get the information directly from the participants.  Hard to imagine traveling from St. Louis area to the Pacific and back, all through unknown territory.

 From there I headed toward Centralia IL where there was an Historical Society Museum.
It was a larger building than I expected, 3 floors of exhibits very much in the style of the Bandon Historical Society's Museum.  The museum contained artifacts and memorabilia from the town's history including their former doctors,

...the local disaster...
....local gas station artifacts....
....and miscellaneous other artifacts...

The highlight though was chatting with a local author, former detective and DEA undercover agent Rich Simer who was hawking his book, Diary of a Detective, Small town...Big Secrets  the museum lobby.  I don't think his book will be a best seller (yes, I bought a copy) but he was an interesting character.  Here's a picture of him along with the beat up Philco radio that they had on display.
The real highlight for the day was visiting with Ron and Debbie Ramirez.  Ron is founder of the Philco Phorum and author of Philco Radio 1928-1942, the definitive book on Philco radios.  The radios you see in the photo are Ron's collection of rare Philco Tropics radios, made only for export and difficult to find.

Tomorrow I'll stop at the Dubois County Musuem and the Louisville Slugger Museum with Paris KY as the end of the day stop.

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